All phone calls encrypted making it impossible to eavesdrop on your conversation
Create and have private conversations with unlimited group
Take control of your messages' lifetime. Set them to delete
after 1 minute to 1 day
All pictures and photos are encrypted
Messages are only readable by you and your contact. A new key is
used to secure each message
Super strong, OTR cryptographic protocol for instant messaging
conversations and picture sharing
Encrypted messages are transfered over SSL encrypted links
Private communication system to protect your business and
personal communications
StealthChat disables the screenshot feature so your conversation
remains confidential
Easy to use and secure! Simple UI design makes StealthChat the secure lightweight application for mobile devices
StealthChat automatically finds other users from your phone
Sent, delivered, read, & pending notification for every
message and file Notification
No message history or phone book content is kept by us
Designed to operate quickly and efficiently on the lowest
specification devices and on the worst mobile networks in the
Encrypted screen display to prevent unauthorized message