Rockliffe Systems ("Rockliffe") makes information and products
available on this web site, subject to the following terms and
conditions. By using the accessing this site, you agree to be
bound by these terms and conditions. Rockliffe reserves the
right to change these terms and conditions, and the products,
services, prices, and programs mentioned in this site at any
time, at its sole discretion, without notice. Rockliffe reserves
the right to seek all remedies available by law and in equity
for any violation of these terms and conditions. Any rights not
expressly granted herein are reserved.
StealthChat and the information on this web site are
protected by copyright. Except as specifically permitted, no
portion of StealthChat or this web site may be distributed or
reproduced by any means, or in any form, without
Rockliffe’s prior written permission. For more information
about obtaining permission, please email
StealthChat is protected by the following US patents:
Personal information management data synchronization
Content-based notification and user-transparent pull operation
for simulated push transmission of wireless email
Personal information management data synchronization
Content-based notification and user-transparent pull operation
for simulated push transmission of wireless email
Method and apparatus for displaying information on a screen such
that the content is comprehensible only to an authorized user
Method and apparatus for verifying or authenticating
communicating parties utilising a secondary communication
StealthChat, Stealth Communicator and Stealth Messenger are
registered Trademarks of Rockliffe Systems.
Use of Software
StealthChat and the accompanying documentation available
to download from this site are the copyrighted work of
Rockliffe. Use of the software is governed by the terms of the
end user license agreement, which accompanies such software. If
no license accompanies the download, the terms of the license
which accompanied the original product being updated will
govern. You will not be able to use, download, or install any
software unless you agree to the terms of such end user license